Hampi Festival: Arranged and coordinated by the Government of Karnatka, the Hampi Festival also called the Vijaya Utsav is held every year during the first week of November. Against a backdrop of the glorious ruins of Hampi, several performances of dance, music, drama, fireworks and puppetshows are performed and thoroughly relished by not only the local inhabitants but also admirers of art and architecture from all over India.

Purandaradasa Aradhana: This is a festival that celebrates the ingenuity of Classical music. Held in January or February every year, it marks the fond memories of Purandaradasa, a poet who lived in Hampi.

Virupaksha Car Festival: Held in March or April every year, this is the most grand and pompous religious festival in Hampi, marking the annual ritual marriage of the Gods and the Goddesses.

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